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Welcome to August family! July was physically and energetically very challenging for us all as we were doing in-depth work on the integration of our Light Bodies and the symptoms were off the charts. Astrologically, we entered a heavy retrograde period and had the Full Moon in Capricorn at the 29th degree, giving us a foreshadowing of what is to come in the Fall when Pluto returns to this degree. 

August will be a breath of fresh air, but will also be quite a powerful month of manifestation and a “prequel” to the Grand Finale which is September. Throughout July, we were purging some of the densest and heaviest frequencies i have felt in a very long time. It’s like we were scraping the bottle of the barrel in terms of psychological and energetic toxins and gunk. I believe this was necessary in order to have a fully clean slate for the Lions Gate Portal Energy which will begin on August 1st-August 8th. We will be aligning with the star of Sirius, which will be activating our Inner Suns and the Solar Plexus. This month we have beautiful chaos as the new emerges from the ashes of the old.

New Moon in Leo + Venus Enters Virgo 

On August 4th, in the middle of the Lions Gate Portal Window, we will have the New Moon in Leo at 4 Degrees, and this will be in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. This will be our first Leo Season with a Pluto opposition and this can best be described as the beginning of a very long EGO Death for the collective. Our Leo Energy is going through a rebirth, as the essence of Leo is now called to be used for the highest good of all rather than for personal gain and validation. This New Moon is a total reset of our hearts and inner suns, and we are called to own our light and to use it for the absolute highest good of all of Humanity. We must overcome our fears of being seen and owning our natural gifts and skills, and instead, see how each of our lights comes together to completely eradicate darkness. This is why our Solar Plexus’ were going through so much re-wiring during July, so that the true Solar Plexus energy could shine through without EGO or self-obsession. 

On the same day, Venus will cross over the threshold of 29 Degrees Leo and enter Virgo. She is signaling to us that it is time for us to come back to the natural and holistic way of self-love and service to others. Venus in Virgo is the ultimate healer and she loves to be in simple service. We are reconnecting with the natural rhythms of our body, our creativity, and our expressions of love. This grounding and simple energy will re-energize our bodies and put a focus on cleansing our personal spaces and our relationships of drama and karmic chords. We are truly remembering how to love ourselves and one another again. 

Mercury Retrograde 

Mercury will enter his retrograde period on August 5th and will go back into the later degrees of Leo before heading direct on August 28th. I personally love this Mercury Retrograde because it feels as if we will be returning to some ideas, dreams, passions and projects that we either forgot about or it just wasn’t the time for and these will now be reignited ! Mercury was like wait wait, before we start making lists and plans for what we are going to work on next, let’s get the EXCITEMENT going again. Honestly, we could use some of that. So this will be a period during this month where we return to our love for what we are doing, and not just doing it because we have to, or should, but because we WANT to. That type of passion is needed for us to truly get clear on what we are going to focus on next, as we are all stepping into our Higher Roles come September. 

8/8 Portal 

The Lions Gate Portal will culminate on 8/8 bringing powerful energies of heart opening, creativity, and connecting our inner Suns to the Galactic Sun. We are getting CHARGED UP during this portal and we have been preparing our vessels and spaces for this moment. My feeling is that after the deep clearing of toxins and parasitic energies completed in July, we are now connecting to the Higher Grids through the light bodies and receiving big rainbow energies. This will revitalize us with a new found optimism, excitement, and creative energies that are seeking to be poured into our next projects and roles. Venus will be conjunct Mercury retrograde, asking us to revisit any self-care or healing practices, as well as guiding us to using our ideas and creative spark towards things that are practical and in service to others. The Moon will be in Libra, bringing us the unification vibes of balance and harmony and is a great day to gather with others. 

Full Moon in Aquarius + Jupiter Square Saturn

This Full Moon in Aquarius is giving me whacky wild and chaotic vibes! This is going to kick off a period where we will all collectively be saying …”what the fuck is going on.” But you know what, we love that because it means things are about to get more interesting and entertaining. We are definitely not in Kansas anymore. We are ready to break all the rules and instead, follow our authentic vibes and rhythms and placing on our focus on the New Paradigm and withdrawing all energy from the old.

During this Full Moon and into the following day, Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces will come into an exact square. This gives me major chaos energy, but chaos triggers change and chaos sometimes refreshes and renews what has been rigid and stagnant. I personally feel the collective will be going through a quantum leap in consciousness during this Full Moon, and with the square between Gemini and Pisces, there may be alot of spiritual ego or disorientation as we collectively make this leap. This is the moment to truly disconnect from the mind. Do not overthink or use logic, and definitely do not get into any arguments or dramas with the EGO minds. Instead, spend time in your inner sanctuary and prepare to receive some beautiful upgrades and downloads for our next cycle.

Virgo Season 

Virgo season will be very grounding season where we truly begin to lay the bricks of our new missions and soul contracts. Leo Season is designed to ignite our passions, dreams and to truly own who we are and be bold and unafraid to shine our brightest light. Once we transition into Virgo Season, we will be ready to get down to business and start taking action upon our new dreams and missions in a practical and focused way.

Virgo is also the sign of healing and service, and during this Season we will be called to continue with our self-care and making sure we are honoring our bodies during this time. Being in service to the highest good of all will be the theme of this Season, as we remember we are all in this together.

Venus Enters Libra 

We end the month with Venus entering Libra, bringing us some harmony, beauty and creative flow as we enter the tumultuous month of September. Venus will come into a conjunction with the South Node early on in her transit, and again we will be called to let go of any relationship dynamics that are no longer a vibrational match. We also may be tested with our new found bravery through Aries to end all forms of people pleasing and self-sacrificing. Venus will be rehearting us that our relationship with ourselves is the most important focus of our work.

We may also see some new divine unions and partnerships blossom throughout this transit, as we align more with those who are part the next phase of our journey, while letting go of those who are on a different path.

Destiny Activation Seminar 

We are now wrapping up a 16 year karmic cycle of Pluto in Capricorn, which will we will finally have closure from between September 1st-November 19th. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, who is often associated with karma, initiations, and lessons. The purpose of Saturn is not to punish us or deliver us some kind of suffering, but to teach us how to get real about where we are not living up to our true potential. Saturn is known as the task master, and he pushes us to focus and get disciplined on the areas of our life which require work and effort. Saturn is ALWAYS playing the long game, and so is Capricorn. There are no short cuts here, and there is no instant gratification. 

Capricorn is the sign that precedes Aquarius, and in ancient astrology they actually both shared the same rulership of Saturn. Since the discovery of Uranus in 1781, Aquarius now has a new ruler and so the archetype has shifted. It is in Capricorn that we learn how to take responsibility and accountability for ourselves as God with God, and Saturn creates a bridge between heaven and earth. To bring the intangible into reality. To do this, we must have dedication and mastery of ourselves as creator beings and be responsible for what we choose to create. This is the true nature of Karma-lessons and blessings based on our personal choices. When we reach the sign of Aquarius, it is then time to break all of the rules we have so carefully followed, and to now find a new path of Creation that is innovative and transcends the idea of time. Aquarius is a wormhole whereas Capricorn is a marathon. Each of these signs require different approaches. 

When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, we began the Cosmic Reckoning. Pluto’s purpose has always been to bring darkness to light, and to bring awareness to all that has been hidden, buried, and denied so that we may transform it into the ultimate healing. Pluto will destroy anything that cannot be healed and must be let go of completely, thus his archetype of death and rebirth. Since then, we as a Humanity have been facing the karmic consequences of our darkness and all of the systems and structures it has built. We were put through a divine initiation that required the deepest levels of fortitude and strength to get through. Now as he approaches his grand finale of the the karmic cleanup, we are individually being called to reflect and master our personal Saturn lessons. The area of our charts where Capricorn rules is the area of life that has been under deep construction for 16 years and we will be receiving the rewards for our hard work. We are also called to focus on our personal Saturn placements in order to see the mastery we have gained, and any remaining lessons we have yet to learn so that we can prepare to step into our true destinies, free of all karmic chords come November. 

This means we will also be activating our Destiny Nodes in our personal chart, which is our North and South Nodes. These two nodes of fates represent where we have come from (South Node) and where we are headed (North Node). Both of these placements provide us with insight as to what our innate gifts and skills are, and where to apply them for our highest growth and greatest service to Humanity. 

In our Destiny Activation Seminar this month, we will be covering the following topics to prepare for our official new roles: 

Part 1: Mastering our Saturn (August 16th)

This class will focus on discussing our personal Saturn placements and the mastery of those lessons as well as wrapping up and healing the area of our charts that Capricorn rules. These placements have been teaching us the valuable lessons and skills that assist us in completing our karmic contracts so that we are prepared to move into our destined roles. 

Part 2: Integrating the South Node (August 17th)

This class will focus on discussing our personal South Node placements, which show us the innate gifts and skills we are carrying from past lives. We also will discuss the shadows and the outdated patterns to let go of with our South Nodes, so that we no longer need to repeat the past, but can create a new future. 

Part 3: Activating the North Node (August 18th)

This class will focus on discussing our personal North Node placements which guides us to our highest destiny in this lifetime. Our North Node’s represent our greatest growth, service and purpose in this lifetime which allows us great insight as to what our New Earth roles will be. 

If you are guided to join this Seminars, please RSVP below. All seminars are recorded for those that cannot attend live. 



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